Corten Steel Sealer
Do you like the way that rusted Corten steel looks on your sculpture or architectural feature but hate the way that rust drips and stains?
How to Seal Corten Steel or Weathering Steel to Stop the Drips and Mess!
Corten steel sealer is the answer to rust stains that can ruin the look of your property. Rusted metal, including weathering steel and Corten, is a rising trend in architecture and art. Architects all over the world are embracing weathering steel, also known as Corten, to enhance the patina. Weathering steel is popularly used in sculptures for its distressed appearance. It is also widely used on bridges and other large structural applications like building panels. Corten steel is used on architectural items including panels, planters, furniture and art.
Unfortunately, there are several challenges using Corten steel in construction. The rust patina can cause stains that drip onto areas under the metal causing stains on sidewalks and surrounding surfaces. Everbrite Coating is a popular choice for sealing and protecting Corten steel to protect the rusted patina. It also prevents rust drips and staining problems by sealing in the rust patina, protecting the surrounding areas and people who may brush against the rust.
Stop stains dripping on surrounding surfaces by sealing Corten steel to stop stains from getting on clothing or dripping on surfaces below the rusted objects. Rusted metal including Corten or weathering steel will have unsightly staining from water runoff and can stain surrounding paint, stucco and concrete. Rust can also rub off on clothing or people.
Everbrite Coating is a clear protective coating that is durable and seals the rust patina on Corten or weathering steel so it will not bleed or rub off onto other surfaces. Keep the rust on the metal, not on your walls, clothing or guests.

Everbrite Coating provides the following benefits to weathering steel or Corten steel with every application:
Seal Corten Steel to eliminate staining of surrounding areas from unsightly runoff and stains. Rusty drips and stains on other substrates can ruin the look of a building.
Eliminate transfer of rust to people (hands & clothing).
Helps to extend the life of the Corten steel by sealing out moisture that can cause further corrosion.
Give the surface a more finished, purposeful look.
Excellent adhesion on naturally or artificially rusted surfaces.
Everbrite Coating is self-annealing and will blend to itself to create complete protection.
Easy to apply - wipe, roll, paint or spray on completely clean and dry rusted Corten.
Everbrite Coating is available in a Clear finish and a Satin finish.
Everbrite is a solvent-based coating that will stand up to harsh exterior weather. Water-based coatings may not stand up to exterior applications and are not recommended.
Everbrite Coating will seal the rust patina of weathering steel or Corten steel to help prevent further corrosion and will prevent rust stains. On most metals, two coats of Everbrite Coating are recommended. On raw steel or rusted metal, 3 to 4 coats are recommended because the metal is very porous. Everbrite Coating will seal the metal and will look great for years and can be maintained indefinitely.

Corten Steel
Before & After Coating with Everbrite Coating

Everbrite Coating will darken the rusted Corten steel 5 to 10 shades because the powdered rust does not allow for any reflection of light. If you want to see what your rusted metal patina will look like coated, you can wet it down. Water will replicate what the metal will look like coated. Of course, you will want it to dry completely before application of the coating.
The clear formula of Everbrite Coating can add some gloss on rusted metals. Once the metal is coated, it will look like it does when it is wet. The Satin formula can be put on to reduce the sheen if the original is too glossy. The Satin finish has a sheen but not a shine. If a lower sheen finish is desired, we recommend the Satin finish of Everbrite for the final coat.
FAQs for Sealing Corten Steel
How can I speed up the rusting of Corten Steel? Corten steel, also known as weathering steel can take up to 6 months to develop the rust patina. Surface Treatments can accelerate the oxidation of the steel to as little as one hour.
Some people recommend rusting metal with dangerous chemicals like muriatic acid, sulphuric acid or combinations of chemicals. This is not only dangerous to your health but can damage other items as well.
If you prefer a safer, faster method to rust Corten Steel, we have Instant Rust Accelerator available that creates real rust on steel. Fast-acting. See results in less than an hour.
What if I am not sure which sheen I want? If you are not sure, we would recommend purchasing a container of both the Clear finish and the Satin finish of Everbrite Coating. Clean the metal and apply 2 coats of the clear Everbrite first. Let it dry and see if you like the finish. If so, add additional coats Everbrite clear finish. If it is too shiny, apply the Satin finish on top of the Everbrite that has already been applied. If you do not open the Satin finish can, you can return it for a refund.
How do I clean and prep the metal for the coating? Everbrite Coatings is easy to apply. See Complete Instructions