You Never Have to Polish Your Silver Again!
Once you clean your silver, protect the shine with ProtectaClear®
to keep it looking great all year long.

How to Clean Silver with Baking Soda and Aluminum Foil

You can polish silver with silver polishes however, there are natural silver cleaners you can use made from commonly used household items.
Save money
Avoid use of harsh chemicals.
Non-toxic and good for the environment.
Note: Once you put in the work to cleaning the tarnished silver, it doesn't prevent further tarnish!
You can easily clean silver with aluminum foil, baking soda and hot water. This method uses electrolytic action instead of chemical-polish abrasion and removes the tarnish from oxidized silver without removing any of the underlying metal.
The process outlined below works great for heavily tarnished silver. You can even let the tarnished silver soak in the solution and then even extremely oxidized silver may just need light polishing. Cleaning the silver is only a temporary solution. Once the silver is clean, seal out the tarnish and seal in the beauty with ProtectaClear.

Step 1.
Gather the needed items:
Your tarnished silver
A container big enough for the silver
Aluminum foil
Baking soda
Hot water

Step 2.
Wrap the silver item in aluminum foil.
Add baking soda to hot water in the container. A few tablespoons will work but more can be added for heavily tarnished silver or larger containers.

Step 3.
Add foil covered silver items to hot water and baking soda solution let it sit. The time it takes to remove the tarnish will depend on how badly the silver is tarnished. If the water cools, add more hot water.
Check periodically to see if the tarnish is gone. If it is not completely gone, wrap it back up and put it back into the hot water and baking soda mixture.

Step 4.
Unwrap the silver. You will see that the tarnish has transferred to the foil.
Wash and rinse the silver. Dry with a soft cloth.
If more shine is desired, polish with Midas Touch Polish, an excellent polish that is not acid based so there is no neutralization necessary.

Step 5.
Apply ProtectaClear so you never have to polish your silver again. ProtectaClear is practically invisible, is easy to apply, is self-leveling and will keep silver looking freshly polished for years. It is food safe once cured so you can even coat platers and silverware. ProtectaClear will also protect plated silver from wearing through with continual polishing.
ProtectaClear is available in various sizes including aerosol cans.

Customer Reviews for Silver
"ProtectaClear helped my silver set sell on Ebay. Thanks. " -Greg Porter

​ProtectaClear is practically invisible and it will stop the tarnish and keep your silver looking freshly polished for years. It even prevents fingerprints, scratches and smudges from deterring from the beauty of silver.
The usual tarnish on silver is the black sulfide. The cool thing about this is that you can instantly remove the tarnish from any silver item with commonly available household items.
This method of cleaning will work fast. There is no adverse environmental impact, none of the ingredients are in any way toxic (they are food grade). There is no abrasion or scratching of the silver and you can use your bare hands to remove the treated items from the solution. Just rinse and dry the silver when you are done and pour the "used" solution down the drain.
You may want to polish the silver to a high shine with polish. MIDAS TOUCH Polishing Cream is excellent polish that is not acid-based. If you use an acid-based polish, use EZ Prep Cleaner and Neutralizer to neutralize the acid, or simply wash it in baking soda water to neutralize the acid before coating.
**Tip: Do not wear rubber gloves when working with your silver as rubber is corrosive to silver.
After the silver has the look you want, wash off the polish residue with a couple of drops of dish soap and water. Dry with a soft cloth.
​Once you clean your silver, how do you protect it to prevent tarnishing again?
To prevent your silver from tarnishing again, apply ProtectaClear. ProtectaClear is an easy to apply, clear protective coating that is practically invisible and will keep your silver looking like it is freshly polished. ProtectaClear is self-leveling, long-lasting and will keep silver looking great for years.
First, use a clean solvent like xylene or denatured alcohol to ensure a completely clean and dry surface. Then apply ProtectaClear onto the silver. You can wipe-on the coating with the provided applicator, dip the silver into ProtectaClear or use natural bristled brushes to paint on ProtectaClear which is self-leveling so any drips or brush marks will disappear. Aerosol cans are also available to spray intricate items.
Now you can proudly display your silver items that show no fingerprints or smudging.